Daniella Vilio

Daniella Vilio

This week’s Player of the Week is Daniella Vilio! Daniella was an impressive force to be reckoned with both offensively and defensively in the team’s games against Everett Community College. In game one, her patience and temperance earned her four free passes by Everett’s pitcher. With that she managed to steal one base and bring a run in for the Royals. She also had one putout and one RBI. In game two, Vilio let everyone know why they should be walking her. She blasted two hits and brought in three runners as well as running scoring a run of her own. Defensively, she had three putouts to help her team secure the win against Everett. She ended the weekend with 2 runs, 4 RBI, 4 putouts, 4 BB, and 1 stolen base. Well done Daniella!

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