Winning Avalanche

Winning Avalanche

By Davie Wong


 The Royals were coming into the bye-weekend on a hot streak. 2 wins against CBC for the women, and 2 wins against CBC for the men meant that things were rolling along just fine. However, bye-weekends have a funny way of messing up momentum. Going into the mid-week series against the College of the Rockies Avalanche, picking up where they left off was the focus of both teams.

                The women seemingly had no issues doing that. They came out in the first set determined and energized. It propelled them to a huge 25-14 set win. With the game in motion, the Avalanche kicked on their engine and fought hard in the second set. But the Royals blockers were too much for them and the Avalanche blasted themselves out of the second set, 25-20.

                With the game on the line, the visitors turned on their afterburners and gave the Royals all they had. The set climbed steadily, with both teams trading kills, aces, and errors here and there. However, the Avalanche just had a little more push than the Royals, and managed to claw a set back, 27-25.

                The fourth set was just as exciting as the third. The Avalanche, determined to push the game to a fifth set came into the set firing. But the Royals pressed just as hard to close the game out. In the end, it was the home team that came out on top of a tight set that could have gone either way. They took the set 26-24, and the game 3-1.

                The men were up next. Like their counterparts, the guys got off to a hot start. However, it wasn't as dire for the Avalanche.  The visiting team fought back several times in the set, but the Royals were able to put them away, 25-21. The second set saw the College of the Rockies storm back into the game with a huge showing, overcoming the momentum of the game, and setting the Royals back into an even game with a 25-22 set win.

                From there, the Royals punched it into overdrive. They punished the Avalanche for their mistakes, and pounded down two sets in some of their best volleyball this season. They took the 3-1 win of the back of a 25-14 set win, and a 25-16 set win.

                The next day, the two were back at it again. With the Royals hosting the wrap-up for the Make Noise for Mental Health movement, people came and packed the gym to watch some excellent volleyball. The women were first up to the plate and they delivered. They swept the in three straight sets that showcased their absolute mastery of the ball. Final set scores were 25-11, 25-12, and 25-15, as the Royals put aside the Avalanche to a thunderous applause from the audience.

                The men were next on the big stage and thrilled everyone with a fantastic game. Both teams traded sets to start the match, with the Royals taking the first 25-16, and the Avalanche taking the second 25-16. The third set was a tough one, but the Royals squeezed out a win, taking it 25-21. The Avalanche would not be deterred, and fought their way through the fourth set. It was close, but they came out on top to force a fifth set with a 25-22 win.

                 With the crowd on their toes in anticipation, the fifth set gave them their fill of drama. Falling behind early, the Royals clawed their way back in the set. At one point, down to game point, the Royals came just one point away from tying the game at 14. But the Avalanche had the extra clover on their side, and managed to just barely squeeze one by the Royals to finish the game 15-13. 

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