Sweet Victory

Sweet Victory

By Davie Wong


The Douglas College Royals sent shockwaves across the PACWEST last Saturday when they defeated the defending PACWEST Champions, the Capilano Blues. After a tough first week in the PACWEST, the Royals buckled down and prepared themselves for the challenge that was the Blues.

    A rigid first half saw both teams' trade chances with neither team able to grab the lead. Joel Webb and the Royal back line were flawless, making inch perfect tackles to deny opportunities. However, on the other end, the same could be said about Hudson Nelles and the Blues backline. After 45, the game was still up for grabs.

    The Blues changed that nearly immediately after kickoff. A foul in the box by Royals' midfielder Diego Govantes Galindo sent the Blues to the spot. The shot, taken by defender Nick Morello, blew past Royals keeper Joel Webb, and buried itself into the back of the net.

    But the Royals would not be put away. They struck back 15 minutes later when Quinn Dawson sent rocket flying past Blues keeper Hudson Nelles. With adrenaline pumping through their veins, the Royals raced back down the field not even 10 minutes after. A foul inside the box earned the Royals a penalty kick, and a chance to score the go-ahead goal. Race Williams stepped up to take the kick for the Royals, and slammed home the ball to give the Royals the lead.

    While most teams would have sat back and parked the bus, the Royals wanted another. They pressed the Blues, pressuring them off the ball and into making poor choices. In total, the Royals challenge Hudson Nelles and the Blues five times in the second half, beating him twice.

    As it turns out, that's all they needed. They would keep the Blues off the board in the last 15 minutes of the game to close out the 2-0 win, and solidify their sweet, sweet victory. The win moves the Royals to a record of 1-1-1, tied for third with Quest. The two teams will settle their record on Saturday when the Royals head to Squamish to play Quest. On Sunday, the Royals are home against the VIU Mariners, where they will be looking to take a win of the league leaders. You can catch Sunday's game live on Cunnings Field, at 2:30 PM. Come out and support your Royals!

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